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Monday 25 October 2021



stay focused as a blogger

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 When it comes to staying focused as a blogger, it is the most important part of getting success and that is why in this article we are going to share with you 9 tips on how to stay focused as a blogger. 

Hello, reader welcome back to Knowing SQUARE today you learn 9 tips on how to stay focused as a blogger and become a successful blogger and also tips to growing a successful YouTube channel if today is the first time coming across this website you're welcome hi I’m Newman and am happy to share today’s article.

Are you a beginner blogger and you find it hard to post or upload content regularly and also have trouble staying focused as a blogger due to some distraction you are not aware of and figured you need to stay focused and be more productive, so you are now searching for tips to help you stay focused as a blogger that you want to be, Well you are in the right place let’s get started.....

stay focused knowing SQUARE

          1. Figure out what's distracting you.

number one for staying focused as a blogger is to figure out what's distracting you if you don't know why you're not staying focused and what is pulling you out of your groove and what is making you be distracted then you are going to stay distracted and you're never going to be able to stay focused this tip of course is applicable to every different element of working but bloggers are oftentimes especially if you're already full time, even if you're not full time, you are going to have a little bit more leeway, you know you don't have a boss telling you need to get things done by a certain time you don't have quite the same level of deadlines and restrictions which means you're also potentially more likely to get sucked into different things that could be distracting you so tip number one is so important, figure out what is distracting you, is it scrolling through social media, is it having the TV on, is it noises like around you, is it your family, is it your dog i don't know my dog has a tendency to distract me figure out what's distracting you and then figure out how you can address that, so you can stay focused and be more productive blogger and that bring us to tip number two

          2. Figure out how you can address that.

for example, turn off unimportant phone notifications if you are a vlogger and you want to get more done with your day and you find yourself spending a little bit too much time on your phone then please do this tip go into your phone settings go into notifications for the apps and turn off notifications for apps that you do not need to have notifications for uh shopping apps that gets me all the time uh game like different games different social media especially if you're not using a certain platform for your blog then turn off all of the notifications so that you're less likely to be constantly distracted by the little dings and then less likely to actually click on the notification oh I’m just going to see what that deal is real quick and then all of a sudden an hour later you realize you could I mean the last hour doing some online shopping that you really didn't need to be doing so get rid of those notifications and you will find yourself reclaiming a lot of the time in your day

3. Schedule your work time.

This tip took me a really long time to learn but it is to schedule your work time blogging is your job or maybe you want it to be your job regardless either way you need to schedule the time that you're working or else it is really easy to find yourself spending way too much time working or potentially also not spending enough time working by setting your work hours you are ensuring that you are working the reasonable amount of time or at least the time that you want to get done and how much you want to work every day that's also going to help you avoid burnout and then it's going to also help you be forced to stay focused which is you know obviously one of the main things we're talking about here because if you know that you need to get everything done in eight hours rather than 14 hours because you usually kind of literally get it done every day and then you're going to stay more focused because you're going to have to get everything done

          4. Take scheduled breaks throughout the day.

This is important especially for anybody who is self-employed not just bloggers because it is so easy to just keep working throughout the whole day because you know it's easy to feel like you're taking from yourself if you're taking a break because you're like well nobody's paying me to take a break I don't get paid breaks however if you do not take breaks you're going to burn out and also our brains need that creative reset when you're doing creative work for hours and hours that end your brain is going to start to feel fried and you need to reset it so take 15 or 30 minutes at least once a day ideally twice a day and take some time to just completely let your brain just kind of shut down and then so you can restart it and you can feel refreshed again it's going to help you with creativity and it's also going to help you make sure that you don't get burnt out

Create a private environment blogging

          5. Create a private and successful environment for doing blogging work.

You have to create a private and successful environment for doing blogging work if at all possible try to create an actual office space you know even if that is just getting a cheap desk on amazon and sticking it in a guest bedroom that doesn't get used very often no matter what it is making sure that you have a space for your blogging, is going to be so helpful with actually staying focused and then also try to make the space as conducive and creative as possible, for the type of blogging that you like to do.

If you do are doing a lot of computer work where you have to pull a lot of pictures off of a drive get it set up so that your hard drive is always ready for use and you know readers can be very close to your desk and whatever you know, of course, it's going be very useful depending on the type of blogging you do or your niche and things like that, but try to make a work environment that is private and successful for you as a blogger and it's going to help you stay focused too.

          6. Stay on top of planning content.

This tip is so so so important because it is going to be totally up to you what that means for you, everybody has different systems and schedules that work for them for planning content but if you are just winging it's going to be hard to stay focused it's going to be hard to stay on top of things and it's going to be hard to honestly produce as much content as you probably want to produce, by having a content schedule and staying on top of your content you are going to be exponentially more likely to actually get that content out and get it out on time even if there's not like a deadline and then you're going to be able to get more done and it's also going to kind of force you to stay focused because you've set deadlines for yourself to get content out by a certain day

          7. Set daily blogging goals by making a list of different goals that are related to your blogging.

This 7th tip is the one I completely swear by and that is to set daily blogging goals by making a list of different goals that are related to your blogging that you want to get done that day, whether you're a full-time blogger or not it is going to help you stay focused and it also can be really motivational because you can set kind of realistic goals but then also throw in a daily goal or two that are a little bit more of a stretch to kind of motivate you to complete just a little bit more or just in whatever type of goal you're setting just exceed it just a little bit more very motivational and very helpful for helping you stay focused because you are going to have it be a goal and a mission to complete all of those goals each day

          8.  Dress for success.

See even if you are a blogger who is just a complete beginner it is still so helpful to be dressed for success that does not have to mean like a blazer in a like a full suit every day i did that life for a very long time when i worked in the hospitality industry and you will very rarely see me in professional business clothes anymore but what you will see me in most days is an actual outfit even if it's on the casual side I’m it's so helpful when I stopped wearing like sweatpants and pajamas while i was doing my computer blog work which you can as most days of the week it makes me feel like I’m on top of things and it makes me feel like I’m in a productive mindset so get yourself dressed also I do recommend trying to get into some kind of routine even if it's just like a simple beauty routine I’m talking images like making sure that you are like brushing your hair and getting just you know doing a skincare routine if you're not putting makeup on every single morning that is if you are a lady, as if you were going to go into an office

          9. Complete one test to start off your productivity streak.

completing one test to start off your productivity streak is also very helpful, I find this to be so incredibly helpful when blogging and I think that it is also something that's probably very helpful if you're self-employed, is at the start of your day you know you can, you don't have somebody looking over your shoulder and you don't have somebody forcing you to do it so by completing one simple task right away at the beginning of the day it can really set you off into being more productive and staying focused, you know a lot of people want to get their most important and most essential or most dreadful tasks done right away in the morning and if that works for you, then do that. 

but if that doesn't work for you then pick a task that is super easy and complete that first off in the morning and see if that helps you with the guild on right away in the morning and helps you stay focused throughout the day.

          Alright, guys, I hope that this article was helpful. If you want more blogging tips make sure that you hit the subscribe button and then also check out the "Blogger Article list" on our menu bar.

Until next time, do have a great day stay safe out there bye guys...

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