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Tuesday 19 October 2021


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    See! You don't have to be afraid to start your own blog, it’s easy and can make you a lot of money with little effort. This article will work you through the easiest way on how to start a blog and start making money fast.

All you have to do is log in to any website building platform and use a template. You can use or, there are other options too like, etc. Starting a blog can be confusing to the extent of not knowing where to start from, But the truth is, it’s not as hard as you think. In this post, you will find the 6 easiest steps to start blogging now and start making money fast.

 This post will walk you through the steps to starting a blog. "I know that you're reading this because you want to learn how to get started blogging. I'm going, to be honest with you, it's not hard but there are some steps that will help make your blog more successful." "1st of all, 


A blog is a place where people can share their thoughts and feelings about different topics. Blogs are usually written by one person, but sometimes we read them together with another person. The blogger might share pictures and videos in the blog post too 


    You have to be precise/sure you have an engaging title for the post you want to write about. It should be relevant and descriptive yet catchy enough so people can notice it when they scroll through their feed." Next, create a plan and also make a list of what type of posts/content will work best for your audience. Do some research into the topics that interest them most then decide which ones would benefit or attract them the most. taking a list image "Lastly, come up with a schedule for posting content in advance so you can maintain consistency and always have something new Calendar schedule image Now, here is the list of the 6 steps or ways to start the joining to becoming a successful blogger, like I said before they are 6 easy steps. Steps on how to get started: 

How to start your own blog!

    1. Get a domain name/web hosting 
    2. Choose a niche you are passionate about 
    3. Find out what your target audience needs and wants from you as their blogger  
    4. Create informative and interesting content that is engaging to your readers 
    5. Build up your follower base by interacting with people on social media and gaining traffic to your blog 
    6. Promote affiliate products to make money off of the things you love 
    7. Keep a consistent posting schedule so that people know when to expect new posts from you!

knowing square making blog list

    The first thing that you need is an account on Word Press or Blogger (I prefer blogger). One of the reasons is, you can publish your first website for free and it can be easily ranked on Google, well I will not be talking about all of that in this article, anyways let's continue. Now you have to find a topic and write your first post! After that, it's up to the readers which blogs they like best. The more posts and traffic your site has the better chance of getting advertising dollars from advertisers who are looking for bloggers with a big audience. There are other ways bloggers make money too: Google AdSense, selling products, affiliate marketing with online stores like Amazon, promoting courses, etc., but these methods take time. Let me explain each step on the list provided above 

1. Get a domain name/web hosting! 

Get a domain or web hosting. A domain name is the website URL and is usually your company's name. It tells people where to find you. Web hosting, on the other hand, is what powers your site and it gives you storage space for files like images and videos so they can be shown publicly online. Without these two things, no one would know who you are! The first step in creating a blog post is deciding which service will best suit your needs as well as how much of a budget you have for this project. You'll have to do some research before choosing because there are many options available that vary in price from free all the way up to $200+ per month depending on how much bandwidth space. 

2. Choose a niche you are passionate about! 

One of the best ways to make money online is by choosing a niche that you are passionate about and start writing a blog around it as a blogger or start making videos around that niche as a YouTuber, becoming a YouTuber is another way of making a lot of money but that is not why you are here, becoming a YouTuber is a topic for another blog post. So as I was saying, there are so many ways to monetize your blog, but your success will depend on how much time and energy you put into it. For example, if I am passionate about weight loss, then I can write posts for my blog that give advice or recipes for healthy diets. If I have an interest in the fashion industry, then I could post outfit ideas or tips for dressing up in general. Find what you love and start blogging! 

3. Find out what your targeted audience needs and wants from you as their blogger! 

We all have to start somewhere. Sometimes it's hard to know where you should start from if you don't know what your targeted audience needs and wants from you as their blogger. In this article, you will learn easy steps and guides on how to find out what your target audience needs and wants from you, their blogger. Let's get started! When it comes to blogs, knowing your targeted audience is key. Blogging for a younger audience? Make sure you're using current slang and popular memes. Trying to reach those over 50 years old? Then focus on the retirement market and how they can use blogging as a way to earn money or stay connected with friends and family members who live far away. Whatever your target demographic may be, make sure you know what they need from you their blogger so that you can write posts tailored specifically for them. 

4. Create informative and interesting content that is engaging to your readers! 

An intro paragraph should be engaging and informative. It can include a brief overview of the blog post, or it may be an intriguing introduction to what the reader will find inside. Readers are likely to read on if your intro paragraph has these qualities. We have created this blog post with three tips for creating content that is, interesting, informative, and engaging for readers. 

5. Build up your follower base by interacting with people on social media and gaining traffic to your blog! 

The best way to grow your follower base is by interacting with people. You want to show that you are an open person and that you don't just post content for the sake of posting it. The more followers see you engaging with other users, the more they will want to follow your account. There are a few ways in which one can interact with others on social media: commenting, liking posts and pictures, and sharing or retweeting posts. All these contribute towards making people feel like they're being heard and seen, and it will also help you gain more traffic to your blog. 

 6. Promote affiliate products to make money off of the things you love! 

There are various ways to make money from blogging, but it can be difficult to know where you should start. Promoting affiliate products on your blog post is a good place for beginners! Read the following article to learn how you can use this technique to increase revenue and promote an ethical company. 

 7. Keep a consistent posting schedule so that people know when to expect new posts from you! 

A post is never just a post. It's an opportunity for you to reach more people, engage with your audience, and build your personal brand. But it can be difficult to keep up the momentum of posting consistently when there are so many other things on our plates. So……, I'm going, to be honest with you: it's hard to keep a consistent blog posting schedule. But let me tell you why I think it is important to keep a posting schedule for your blog. The first reason is that people will come back on a regular basis if they know when new content is coming out. Then, the second benefit of having a posting schedule is that you'll have more time and energy because you won't feel like you're constantly scrambling around trying to find something new and interesting to post about! That way, all of your posts can be high-quality work, which we all know, brings about better reading experiences. So make sure you keep that up.


    By following these steps, you can create a blog that is both informative and engaging. Once your followership grows, it will be easier to drive traffic to your site with social media posts about the latest news in your niche. When people click on links from other sites back to yours, they are more likely to buy something or subscribe if they have been entertained by what they read. There’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel when it comes to starting a successful blog! We can help get you started so contact us today at Let's chat soon!

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