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Wednesday 20 October 2021


YouTube sub for sub


In this article, you will learn how to do sub for sub properly.

Have you tried and tired of doing sub for sub then this article is for you, If you are not interested in this topic you can cancel this page and move on, ok?

No worries.

Enough talking already, let's get to it.


This is the recent trend back to four years When YouTube changed the monetization policy from 10,000 views to 1k subscribers and 4,000 watch hours,

People are so desperate to get 1k subscribers at any cost to get into the monetization

Everyone is doing on their own way to get the magic numbers some pay money to the third parties to get subscribers and views some people do sub for sub

Now! Before we talk about how we or you can do sub for sub properly, first let's

Think and understand how you, subscribe to a channel

By the way if you are looking for a way to buy a massive amount of subscribers at a very low-cost CLICK HERE

Let continue


You search for a topic on YouTube or YouTube suggest a video to your home screen you then click on an attractive thumbnail, right?

And started watching the video at the first point you will never have any idea to subscribe to the channel, isn't it?

Now if the video is interesting to you, then you continue watching the video

If the video solves your problem, question or entertains you are likely to watch the next video on the channel, then if you think this channel will provide some useful information to you then you will subscribe to the channel. Even you, do you subscribe to a channel you know nothing about?   No!

 So 80% of the people won't subscribe to our channel at the first video, it's very rare

Now that we’ve understood how subscribing to a YouTube channel process works,

Let’s talk about the decrease of subscribers from your channel after doing sub for sub.

CLICK HERE to the massive amount of subscribers and views NO DECREASING SUB


The reason why you see a decrease in subscribers after you do sub for sub, is because to YouTube the numbers of subscribers you gain that period of sub for sub is not appropriate.

Let’s get an example, you did sub for sub with 50 people after some time you will see a substantial number of subscribers decreasing from your YouTube channel, isn't it? After you spend so much time subscribing to others to get them to subscribe to you back

The truth is they subscribe to your channel

But few minutes later, your subscribers could start decreasing and you don’t know the reason, you tend to think the other person unsubscribed your channel so you then go back and unsubscribe his channel in frustration and agony, isn't it

Image frustration

NO! NO!! NO!!!

You are wrong, YouTube deleted those subscribers, do you know that YouTube checks all the sources of subscribers’ views and likes whether they came from suggested video YouTube search browse features or external.

YouTube algorithm is based on human behavior it will check the previous watch history trend of your video watching experience so YouTube will hold and validate the unusual subscriptions views and likes if YouTube found that those are malicious then it will remove the subscription, views, and likes.

If you don’t want to go through the stress of subscribing, liking, commenting on other people's channels to have them do the same to yours………CLICK HERE


Is there a way to protect the subscriber I gain from sub for sub?


If you're determined and decided to gain subscribers using sub4sub then try it this way

Please read this carefully

First, don't share your YouTube video link to another person on Facebook, WhatsApp or whatever channel you use for subversion, I repeat, don't share your YouTube video link instead of your video link, share your YouTube channel name, even don't share your YouTube channel link share your YouTube channel name if there is a lot of channels in the same name, then share your channel  name with channel logo ask the person to search your channel on YouTube you can screenshot your channel name and logo crop it and send to the person

channel name and logo screenshot image

 this helps your channel to come up in the search result

Secondly, create a video with 30 or 45 seconds long exclusively for subversive, ask the person to watch that 30-second video, as you know  30 seconds will go away in flash then ask him to like the video, and YouTube will automatically suggest subscribing to the channel


Here are the benefits of doing this method

Firstly your channel will come up in the YouTube search result the person searched your channel and watched your video completely and you gained the subscriber, organically YouTube will calculate the percentage of watch time and not how many millions they watched. So 30 seconds would be perfect

Secondly, you need not to worry about whether they have watched one minute or two minutes of your videos, if you use this method you can increase your subscribers easily and you do not worry whether YouTube will delete your subscribers.


The few disadvantages of sub for sub is that

Firstly: the chances of getting the right audience for your niche is very low and the rate of getting a view from your newly uploaded video maximum of 24 hours sometimes for more than a week you will still haven’t gotten 1 view

Secondly: After sub for sub you will be lazy of growing,

Thirdly: Finding what the audience wants and you would not know how to keep them on your channel


Now! Don’t get me wrong here, ok?

let me be very clear I am not a supporter  nether Am I encouraging people to do sub for sub even if I didn't say this, either way, people will still do sub for sub on WhatsApp, Facebook, or other platforms


By using this method, the chances of losing your subscribers in the YouTube scan are very less, also you and the opponent  will not waste the time and effort doing all the sub for sub thing for nothing

I hope this article gives you valuable information.

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You can leave a comment below if any thank you for reading until our next article, be safe, be happy, and bye for now…


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