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Saturday 23 October 2021



Hello dare

welcome back to knowing square, I’m super excited to share with you today's article because we're going to be talking about 5 niches that you should avoid when starting a blog, especially when you're first starting your blogging journey,

It can be really confusing about what makes a good niche kind of clarifies some of the ones that you should be sure to avoid as you're starting a blog journey, so without further ado let's get right into the list


starting a blog

1.      The first niche you're going to want to avoid when you're starting a blog is any niche that's too broad.

I’m sure you've all heard the saying jack of all trades master of none and this really actually applies to blogging pretty well too when you start your blog if you're talking about four different topics throughout your website and maybe more than Google is never really going to see you as an expert

 you're going to be sort of that jack of all trades and when you're doing that you might get a little bit of traffic you know not enough to make a ton of money or anything like that

But it's going to be hard to break through that that roof of traffic because Google doesn't really know what the central topic of your blog is

So to avoid this you want to narrow down your niche you want to become an expert or a master of one topic and sort of try and scoop in all the traffic for just that niche a great

         Example of this is say you wanted to start a food blog

well one of you have to make sure you focused on particular recipe like egg, so when you are successful with this particular recipe a lot of people find your blog more often because Google will think of you as an expert on that niche instead of blogging on different niche like potato, egg, and whatever diet under the sun etc.

In the name of food recipes, you will probably wouldn't get as much traffic as you will get when you position yourself as an expert in the egg space and so people come to you when they're curious about knowing a new egg recipe or things.


2.      The second niche to avoid before starting a blog is any niche that is dedicated to one singular brand.

This may not sound like that big of a deal but it actually can turn out really badly, the number one reason is that it's going to be really hard to be more of an expert in a brand than a brand does that make sense

         So for example you're never going to be more of an expert in Nike running shoes than Nike so it's going to be extremely difficult for you to outrank Nike in regards to that key search term not to say that

it's impossible if you were a massive independent running shoe brand like runner's world or something like that, that reviewed shoes you could rank for that term but it would be extremely difficult and it's going to take a long time to become enough of an expert in that field to be able to rank for terms in regards to you know the brand Nike

it's also never a good idea to put all of your eggs in one brand basket the reason being anything can happen

you know if Nike were to shut down because of in some insane thing that I don't know maybe some huge marketing thing that happened that Nike suddenly goes out of business or something like that you'd be really screwed

 if your blog was primarily focused on Nike products and not only that Nike can take legal action against you if they feel like it's any sort of copyright infringement or something along those lines

so it's definitely going to be best to make sure not to box yourself into a single brand when you're starting your blog niche


3.      Number three niche to avoid before starting a blog is any niche that isn't ad friendly.

now I don't want you to get too scared of this because this isn't necessarily to say that you can't start a blog in something like dating for adults or something like that but it's more targeted towards things that advertisers wouldn't necessarily want to work with so something like violent sports or alcohol consumption or tobacco products things like that

For example I love a good glass of whiskey but I would probably never start a blog in the whiskey niche because there isn't a lot of opportunity to make money there,

odds are advertisers aren't going to want to put ads on my site I’m going to limit my traffic quite a bit because no one who's under the age of 21 can enter my site and you can't actually sell any alcohol products if you don't have a liquor license

so this isn't going to be a niche that would really be ideal for starting a blogging business so keep in mind whether the topic that you want to blog about is family friendly and if it's not maybe consider twisting it in a way or talking about a specific piece of it that may be family friendly thus being more ad friendly and a higher possibility of earning you a good income.


4.      The fourth niche to avoid before starting a blog is any niche that's crazily overpriced.

Crazy overpriced products like you know sailboats or yachts

odds are you're probably not going to have a very successful blog if you're trying to sell a yacht or a private jet or review those things because people don't necessarily go to blogs to look for you know what to buy in regards to those things they probably have the money to get it exactly the way they want but on the other side of the coin

 you want to avoid starting niche sites in topics for products that may be super low priced things like a bouncy ball a bouncy ball maybe cost like 50 cents a dollar maybe a couple dollars if you get a really cool one but still you're probably going to make a very low amount of money recommending bouncy balls for people to buy

it's just not a good affiliate product there's also not really any product like a digital product that you could sell on your website related to that product

so kind of keep that in mind whenever you're thinking about starting your blogging business if the product is way too expensive or way too cheap then it might not work out you kind of want to find that more middle ground I’d say you know things like or products that maybe cost somewhere between 50 and a thousand dollars is a much better area to consider whenever you're starting your own niche site.



         5. Fifth and final niche to avoid before starting a blog is any niche in the health category

Now I’m not saying it's impossible to write a blog about like wellness or things like that but ever since Google’s inception of ymyl or your money your life niches I would say creating a blog in that area has become much more difficult

Now this isn't exactly a bad thing because if I thought I was having a heart attack and I googled am I having a heart attack I would want to see the symptoms of a heart attack listed out by a doctor not by a guy who took a health class once

So while this can be a good thing it has its negatives too because this can mean that starting a blog about holistic medicine or alternative medicine could be really difficult on Google

You’re going to have a rough go at it if you're trying to outrank you know medicine for diabetes when you're talking about alternative medicines because Google wants to make sure that people have all the information they need about licensed and you know federally approved medications

They don't want to encourage people to try things that haven't been proven as safe again this definitely isn't to say that it's impossible to rank for a site that's related to health but i would definitely say that you're setting yourself up for a lot more difficult path than if you were to choose another niche

 You may have seen some people that have a lot of success with it but odds are, how they probably started their blog years before they became such a thing.


 Well with that being said,

I don't want to discourage any of you guys from starting a blog in any category that you want to

But I want you to keep in mind that at knowing square we encourage you to treat blogging like a business and in any business you want to make the decisions that set you up for the best chance of success

So that's why I highly suggest that you avoid any of these blogging niches if you're just getting started with your blog

 on a final note though I do want to say that just because these niches might not work really well for blogging doesn't mean that you can't create somewhere else you may have a much better chance of success on a platform like tiktok or YouTube or something like that

In regards to one of these niches versus starting a blog and ranking on Google for things that are related to these terms.

So with all that being said, this pretty much wraps up today's article and I really hope that this gave all you New bloggers out there An aspiring motivation and a better idea of what type of niches you should be avoiding going into the future thank you for your time and I’ll see you guys soon….

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