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Sunday 31 October 2021




Are you finding it hard to promote your blog's content to gain traffic faster?

Well, there's an easy solution for that. Hey friend, Welcome to Knowing SQUARE, and in this article, I'm going to break down how to promote your blog's content to gain traffic faster in five easy tips plus a bonus if you read to the end.

blog post promotion

NOW! Nearly 40% of marketers say content marketing is a very important part of their overall marketing strategy according to HubSpot.

Table Of Content:

Blog promotion

One of the most enjoyable and exciting stages of your adventure will be the beginning of your blog.

After spending so much time and energy on the ideation phase, studying your target market, and narrowing down your specialty, this is when your hard work pays off.

However, there are several actions you must take to establish the groundwork for your blog to be effective from the start. Yes, there is research involved in this stage as well.

Things can fall apart during execution if you don't have a strong plan of action for the launch of your blog.

We'll take you through a basic procedure here.

Tip number one (1), Omnichannel marketing

The best way to promote your blog content is through omnichannel marketing, 94% of marketers use social media or content distribution, according to SEMrush, Now, the question for you is, when you promote your blog content on social media, how many channels are actually promoting your content?

Is it just one like Facebook, or is it Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and the others? 

List out how many channels you're using and the social networks you're promoting on.

For example, I put all my content on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, those are the main social channels that I'm posting my content, those are five For each channel. 

what are the specific types of content that work better than others?

Now I'm going to break down the five tips that you can do right now to promote your blog content, but you need to keep in mind, what does better on some networks versus others.

Now I'm going to tell you some of this but, as you're browsing these networks, you just need to keep those things in mind.

So on Instagram, reels, and stories, and IGTV are the best type of posts that get more love from Instagram, So whenever you want to promote your blog content or do a post on a blog post, always mention your story and use stickers, and you can also turn that content into a video for Instagram TV. That does really well on Instagram And if you have extra time, go live on Instagram and you can showcase that content through a live feed where people can interact with you and ask questions And that also does really well on Instagram.

promote your blog content Linkedin.

Tip number two (2), LinkedIn.

Video content does really well, long-form text-based posts do well especially thought-provoking ones, that are asking questions and invite engagement, The key with LinkedIn is using a hook in your first sentence when you're posting.

For example, if I'm posting about my content on LinkedIn, or writing an article, or linking to my site on LinkedIn, right, one of my blog posts, and let's say the article is on content marketing.

My hook could be, (you're doing content marketing wrong, but then there's hope). Here's a quick way to actually get more traffic to your content and then you can link to your article.

Now, it's not the best content or the best three lines that I've ever written on LinkedIn,  you know, but I just came up with that off the top of my head.

But that's how you can do well on LinkedIn, because when you start writing those one-line sentences, LinkedIn has more buy-ins, so when people click it

so they can see more, that's engagement metrics that they're measuring that causes your content to get shown to more people and has a higher likelihood of you going viral.

Promote your blog content with tips, I’m sure you will begging to gain some traffic to your blog site.  

promote your blog on Facebook

Tip number Three (3), Facebook.

Paid ads are the best way to promote your blog content on Facebook.

I hate to say it, but it's true, Organic stuff doesn't do as well as paid ads

But the paid staff does help increase your reach and engagement even with your non-sponsored posts as well, because especially if you pay and you're trying to reach your existing followers, they're more likely to engage, which then increases the percentage of your followers that are engaging with your content, which then causes the natural posts that you're not paying for to also get more traffic.

Try to promote your blog content with tips, and start getting some results.

email marketing notification

Tip number Four(4), email marketing.

Every time I release a blog post, I send out an email blast, I do it twice a week, sometimes three times a week, but that's my process, it works really well and You can use tools like Hello Bar, or OptinMonster to collect emails.

When you start promoting your blog content this way, you do not only help you gain some more traffics to your blog post or site, but it will also help you generate revenue if you then decide to join the affiliate marketing line

Tip number Five (5), push notifications.

Every time I release a new post, I send out a push notification through

It's a great way to get traffic, They don't engage as well as email, but it's still additional traffic that I never had 

And lastly, as a general rule of thumb, when you're linking to your content from social media, I would create social content that supports or directly relates to your blog content, Then have called to action and invite people to check out your blog content, That way people are engaging on those social platforms and then they're much more likely to go onto your blog.

stay till the end for bonus tip


Now here's another bonus tip for you, Before you create content to figure out, like hey,

I'm going to go create this content and promote it on social forums, you may already have the channels that you want to promote.

But before you go create your content, I want you to go to Ubersuggest and type keywords related to that content.

When you go to Ubersuggest and you type in a keyword in the left-hand navigation, there's this report called content ideas.

This shows you all the popular pieces of content around the web related to that keyword based on social shares like Facebook or based on social shares, like Pinterest And that'll tell you what's working.

So then that way you're writing content for all the channels and you won't just get the short-term traffic, but you also get the long-term traffic.

Social email blast is more short-term, long-term is more SEO.


Now with all that being said those are pretty much it, hope this article is helpful to you, so until our next article bye for now.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below, I'm here to help you answer any questions you have and get you the results you need.

If you enjoy the article, you are free to share it, tell people about it, thanks for your visit.

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